
Get the word out

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 2
Great to see the app out but you need to get the word out. Definitely looking forward to the Iris addition.

Just installed and I'll be back with feedback, but awesome app idea. As far as that "cool" Android app? I've got some security co-workers that think this is DEFINITELY it!



As propossed, Internet's permission was removed on version 0.4.
I'm back. Tried the encryption option and the signing seems to work well for me. Still think it's a very cool app but I think regardless of EULA or your stand that only anonymous usage data and error information is being sent, an app storing sensitive data with full internet is going to be suspect on trust. I see that as the biggest obstacle in this day and age. Just IMHO.
Hello Dave,

In the next release, v0.4, Internet access permission will be removed ;) (as well as the ads)

Thanks for your feedback
As propossed, Internet's permission was removed on version 0.4.