
Open and De-encrypt buttons missing?

Anonymous 15 years ago updated by Mobbeel 15 years ago 1
this maybe silly but.. after encryption, how can I access the file? i don't see an "open" button on biowallet explorer, nor a de-encrypt option?


When you encrypt a file, a document record is created inside BioWallet with the encrypted file attached.

If you open the record, go to the "Attachments" tab and click on the attachment, it will be decrypted and launched with the configured viewer in your phone for that kind of file (image gallery, media player, whatever).

Also, you can long-click on the file and then "export" it (decrypted) to the SD card to open it with your preferred file manager.
solved. you have to decrypt it first and use a file manager to read the file. i assumed you could decrypt and open in biowallet - maybe a new feature ?
When you encrypt a file, a document record is created inside BioWallet with the encrypted file attached.

If you open the record, go to the "Attachments" tab and click on the attachment, it will be decrypted and launched with the configured viewer in your phone for that kind of file (image gallery, media player, whatever).

Also, you can long-click on the file and then "export" it (decrypted) to the SD card to open it with your preferred file manager.