Under review

Create a record

Alastair 15 years ago updated by Mobbeel 15 years ago 6
If you create a record from the front screen it puts it into the root folder - possibly not where it will be wanted.
But you have explained (thankyou!) that if one goes into Explorer, and long presses on a folder, one creates a record in the chosen folder.
I would suggest that this is the best way to enter a record, and that the "Add record" on the front screen is unnecessary.


Under review
Thanks for the suggestion Alastair.

The dashboard (or front screen as you said) has the most common tasks of the application. Instead of deleting the "Add Record" option, don't you think it will more useful a new screen, just when someone has finished creating a record, asking them in which folder they want to store the record?

Mobbeel Team.
Under review
Thanks for the suggestion Alastair.

The dashboard (or front screen as you said) has the most common tasks of the application. Instead of deleting the "Add Record" option, don't you think it will more useful a new screen, just when someone has finished creating a record, asking them in which folder they want to store the record?

Mobbeel Team.
I agree - a better idea!
Incidentally, I don't seem to be able to delete folders whatever way I try
You can't delete any folder? or a specific folder? This is very strange.

Have you try with the long press on the folder ? You can also select the folder with the trackball of your phone and once it is selected, press the menu and try with the delete option you should find there.
The long press gave me the context menu of folders, record and cut, but no opportunity to delete (cut is supposed to be followed by paste?)
But yes, selecting with the trackball, then menu-delete works fine.
A bug to be corrected?
Hello Alastair,

If you open the folder option in the contextual menu the app must show three options: add folder, edit folder and delete folder. If you use "delete folder" option, it should delete the folder. If it does not delete the folder, then it is a bug we have to correct. Could you test it?

Anyway, the contextual menu and its options will be simplified in the next release and it will be more useful.

You're right. I feel just a little stupid!
Don't worry ;)

That's why we have changed the context menu for the next release.

It will be more simple and user-friendly
