
the app is too picky with me... and it should have a clear button if you mess up your signature

Anonymous 15 years ago updated by Mobbeel 15 years ago 1
Usually I mess up my signature and its a pain to have to redo it. Alo I wrote my name in standard letters and its waay too picky... needs more slack than 20 percent...


Starting 0.4.0 version, you can restart the enrollment process using the option "Settings / Register your signature again".

The re-enrollment feature will probably be added at some point in the future.

However, if you are able to enroll it means you are able to make 6 signatures very similar. After that, if you lower the thresholds a 20% you should be able to log in without too many problems. In addition, the application keeps learning every time you log in and add the signature to the template, so it should become easier after a few days.

Also, if you are having real troubles logging in with your signature you can set up a password in the settings and use it to enter.
Starting 0.4.0 version, you can restart the enrollment process using the option "Settings / Register your signature again".