
Save encrypted files to external sdcard

Barra MacMathuna 14 years ago updated by Mobbeel 14 years ago 0
Seen as the internal sdcards of most phones are not very large, I would like to see the ability to save the data to the external sdcard



When you encrypt a file using BioWallet the app asks you if you want to "move file to private zone" or "keep file into the sdcard". 

If you select to keep it in the sdcard it will be encrypted in the same location as the original file (if its location is an external sdcard the file will be stored there).

If what you are suggesting is the ability to select the destination folder everytime you encrypt a file... this is a feature we already have in our roadmap (and we hope it will be implemented soon ;) .

Thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,
Mobbeel Team.

When you encrypt a file using BioWallet the app asks you if you want to "move file to private zone" or "keep file into the sdcard". 

If you select to keep it in the sdcard it will be encrypted in the same location as the original file (if its location is an external sdcard the file will be stored there).

If what you are suggesting is the ability to select the destination folder everytime you encrypt a file... this is a feature we already have in our roadmap (and we hope it will be implemented soon ;) .

Thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,
Mobbeel Team.