Mobbeel hace 15 años
Thanks! We are working hard to get iris recognition ready for the market as soon as possible.

How do I know it's secure?

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 3
How do I know the BioWallet app is safe? In other words, where is my info being stored? How do I know I'm not just giving you all my passwords, credit card numbers, etc.?
Mobbeel hace 15 años
UPDATE: Internet access has been removed starting with the 0.4.0 version.

Open website url in the browser with pre-filled fields

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
Would be nice to be able to access a website login page with fields filled in automatically. I used to have 1password on iPhone and that feature was really useful.
Mobbeel hace 15 años
This is one the features planned for next releases. It is very very useful.

Thanks for the suggestion
En revisión

Card expiry dates

Alastair hace 14 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 14 años 3
Card expiry dates are listed as "Expires End" not with the day of a month.
Please could we have the same?

The site loads slowly

Sergey Stukov hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
it's takes 1.1 minute on 256kbit link
overall size of main page is 1.7MB it's too much
Mobbeel hace 15 años
You were right.

We've changed the web and now it's completely new.

Check it out! :)

Any feedback is more than welcome

Very cool app! Keep up the good work!

Michael Hughes hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
Mobbeel hace 15 años
Thanks! :)

Silly question

Neil Standley hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 1

This may seem like a silly question, but I cannot figure this out.

I'm on a Motorola Droid Turbo using Biowallet 1.8.2 and would like to export my data for backup purposes, but I cannot figure out how to do it. There are no menu options, or buttons other than Encrypt, Add record, Explorer and Search.

I'm also currently only using a signature to sign in with and I'd like to add a password option since the password sometimes doesn't take for several tries.

I know in previous versions, on my old phone which was a Samsung Galaxy S3 I was able to do this, in fact that's how I got my data on to the Turbo.

What am I missing here?



Internet explorer issues on site

Sergey Stukov hace 15 años actualizado por Владимир Юдин hace 9 años 2
1) Biowallet signature link is over image of mobile device

2) Sloppy edges of icons

3) Main presentation not fits screen

look at sreenshot below
Mobbeel hace 15 años
OK thanks, we will try to fix it, but some IE versions are really problematic...

We're migrating website to another platform, and we hope there's no problems with the new one.

Encryption Suggestion

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
Encryption should allow folder encryption. And also it should encrypt faster. I encrypted a 50mb file and it took like 3 minutes.
Mobbeel hace 15 años
About folder encryption: yes, that seems an interesting feature. I think it will be included in our roadmap.

About the encryption speed: maybe the current algorithm we are using is too complex. We could use a simpler and faster algorithm (but secure enough) and let the user choose.

Como desencripto una imagen despues de que tuviera que reinstalar android?

moises lópez hace 12 años actualizado por Jaime Arturo Puentes Lagos hace 11 años 3
Hola, resulta que por un problema de android tuve que restituir mi rom de android y estoy tratando de restaurar una imagen que tenia encriptada con su aplicacion con formato .jpg.bsf pero no se como puedo restaurarla.
Por favor me pueden ayudar? Me es muy importante poder restaurarla
Muchas gracias