
Password & Encrypt

Stan hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0

You have added a password feature to Biowallet but I can't see how to activate it. I would prefer to use this as I always have a lot of trouble with the signature recognition even when I make it as simple as possible.

Also what does the Encrypt button do? Clicking on it shows the contents of the sdcard but doesn't give any clue as to what to do.
Mobbeel hace 15 años
1) Once you have set up your password under "Settings > Password authentication", you can log in using it if you press the menú button while you are in the "Authentication Wizard" (the screen that shows the "Signature recognition" button). Yes, maybe it's too hidden and not intuitive. We will consider another options...

2) The encrypt button is a quick way to protect a file stored in the sdcard. Once the file is selected, an encrypted copy will be created, and you can leave it into the sdcard or move it to the internal memory. A new record will be created inside BioWallet with the document attached (from there you can view it or export a decrypted copy to the sdcard again).

Helpful & Polite Replies

Alastair hace 14 años actualizado por Alexpaul hace 7 años 1
OK, I'm a complete newbie here, but I'd suggest that the support staff at Mobeel are most impressive - polite and helpful. Thanks

Add eWallet importer

Jeff Theobald hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
Add CSV file import for Iliumsoft's eWallet. They currently support Android for Read-Only access (data can't be entered on the mobile device). While their product is nice, it isn't fully suppotred on Android, providing you with an opportunity to fill the gap.
Mobbeel hace 15 años
We've added this importer to our roadmap.

We hope it will be available soon.



Stan hace 15 años actualizado por Dario Ciprut hace 6 años 3
Whenever you release a new version of Biowallet, I export my data and import it into the new version. However I then have 2 copies of the standard directories - Banking, Internet etc. and have to delete the empty ones.

Can this be amended so that for standard directories the imported directories replace the existing ones?
Mobbeel hace 15 años
This should be fixed in the current version that have been released to the Android Market.

Hola, sería muy bueno tener la posibilidad de poder encriptar o poner contraseña a las carpetas.

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
En la SD se puede llevar mucha información que proteger. No existe ninguna App que haga eso.
Mobbeel hace 15 años
La encriptación de carpetas es una opción muy interesante. La tendremos en cuenta para futuras versiones.

Muchas gracias por la sugerencia ;)

it would have been better if the dialed number wasnt registered in call history. this makes having a hidden phone contact irrelevant.

Anónimo hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 15 años 0
Hidden phone numbers appear in call history. That's not good.
Mobbeel hace 15 años

You're completely right. The application will hide the secret contact from the call history.

This will be available in the next versions.

Thanks for your feedback.
En revisión

Create a record

Alastair hace 14 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 14 años 6
If you create a record from the front screen it puts it into the root folder - possibly not where it will be wanted.
But you have explained (thankyou!) that if one goes into Explorer, and long presses on a folder, one creates a record in the chosen folder.
I would suggest that this is the best way to enter a record, and that the "Add record" on the front screen is unnecessary.
Mobbeel hace 14 años
Thanks for the suggestion Alastair.

The dashboard (or front screen as you said) has the most common tasks of the application. Instead of deleting the "Add Record" option, don't you think it will more useful a new screen, just when someone has finished creating a record, asking them in which folder they want to store the record?

Mobbeel Team.

Export fails

John Randolph hace 15 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 14 años 5
I just installed Biowallet 0.5.2 and I love it. But-- to add my records I need to export to create a template. After adding one record of each type, the export fails with the meassage "An error has occurred during export process"
Mobbeel hace 15 años
Hello John,

As you commented us the problem was on the biowallet's path for exporting its information. It is "/sdcard/data/com.mobbeel".

The app was failing due to the lack of this folder. It can be fixed by creating "data" folder.

Anyway this bug is already been fixed and it will be available in the next release of the app.

Thanks for reporting it :)


Alastair hace 14 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 14 años 0
I think this app shows enormous promise - sincere congratulations!
Mobbeel hace 14 años
Thanks for your encouraging words! We really appreciate them ;)

Telephone numbers

Anónimo hace 14 años actualizado por Mobbeel hace 14 años 0
British telephone numbers have 11 digits internally, and with the international code 14. It is sensible to include the international code in case your card is lost abroad. At present you only allow 10 digits in a card number, so I cannot include a complete phone number
Mobbeel hace 14 años

Thanks for pointing it out. It will be fixed for the next release.

Mobbeel Team.