
No communication between Google Chrome and BioWallet

Ignacio Arsuaga 13 years ago updated by Mobbeel 13 years ago 0
When I try to connect Google Chrome with BioWallet at my Android (version 2.3) the following error message appears: 
No ha sido posible comunicarse con BioWallet. Por favor compruebe que su teléfono móvil está encendido y con conexión de datos
By the way, my Android phone is on and with data connection


Hi, after a lot of work we have been able to solve the issue.

Please ensure you have the latest Chome extension (1.0.8) that solves the problem. It should get updated automatically shortly, but you always can force the update with the "Update extensions now" option in the extension management page.

Please accept our apologies for this unacceptable disruption in the service. We are taking measures to make sure this won't happen again in the future.

Mobbeel Team.
Sorry, we have a big problem with the communication between the servers and the browser. Please see this post for more details.
Hi, after a lot of work we have been able to solve the issue.

Please ensure you have the latest Chome extension (1.0.8) that solves the problem. It should get updated automatically shortly, but you always can force the update with the "Update extensions now" option in the extension management page.

Please accept our apologies for this unacceptable disruption in the service. We are taking measures to make sure this won't happen again in the future.

Mobbeel Team.