Your comments

No more info received. It IS possible to change the user picture, just go to "Settings > Personal Data" and click the old picture.
Could you please send us an email to support [at] mobbeel [dot] com and detail your problem? We will be happy to help you.
Starting 0.4.0 version, you can restart the enrollment process using the option "Settings / Register your signature again".
Locking your phone with BioWallet is currently not possible.

It is on our roadmap and we hope it will available in next releases.
We have never been able to reproduce it. No reports received from any user.
We realize it's difficult to sign with your finger if your signature is very complex.

Our advice is to simplify it a bit to fit the screen, but keep the essence.

Probably it's not a good idea if you just write some random letters or traits. The process recognizes the WAY you sign (speed, pressure, ...), not the final result. If you write a letter or symbol without a lot of training, the way you do it each time will vary and you won't be recognized.
Thanks! We are working hard to get iris recognition ready for the market as soon as possible.

You're completely right. This will be available again in the next release with some improvements.

Until then, you can touch in the link of the summary screen (it is the one that appears if you navigate through the records with the trackball of your devices), and it will open the browser pointing to that url with the password copied into the clipboard (exactly the same that button "Go" did)
This should be fixed in the current version that have been released to the Android Market.
UPDATE: Internet access has been removed starting with the 0.4.0 version.